Central Heights Elementary Supply List



Art Supply List

Kindergarten 1 pkg. baby wipes & 1 #2 pencil

1st & 2nd Grade 1 glue stick & 1 #2 pencil

3rd & 4th Grade 1 pkg. of 8 markers & 1 #2 pencil

5th Grade1 black sharpie & 1 #2 pencil


1- backpack (large full size)

1- change of clothes (top, bottom, socks & underwear)

1- Children’s Fiskars scissors (rounded tip, handles NOT connected)

1- school box (approx. 9x5)

2- large disinfectant cleaning wipes

1- box Crayola colored pencils (12 count)

1- gallon ziplock bags

1- package of baby wipes

1- set of headphones (NO earbuds, please)

1- 8 color Crayola water paints

*NO RoseArt Brand Supplies, please!


2- boxes of 8 crayons (Crayola Brand)

1- scissors- Fiskars Brand

1- box of 16 crayons (Crayola Brand)

1- large eraser

1- 2 pocket vinyl folder w/prongs

2- large boxes Kleenex

1- sm. water bottle, pop-top

1- pencil box, NOT oversized

1- quart-sized ziplock bags (Girls)

1- bottle of hand sanitizer

1- gallon-sized ziplock bags (Boys)

3- disinfectant cleaning wipes

1- rest towel

6-8- sticks of glue

2- pkg skinny dry-erase markers

1- 1” binder

1- pkg printer paper

1- art shirt

1- change of clothes (top, bottom, socks & underwear)

2- water color palettes

First Grade

2- boxes of 24 crayons

1- scissors (Fiskars for Kids)

12- No. 2 pencils (Sharpened)

2- erasers

1- bottle of Elmer’s school glue (4 oz.)

6- glue sticks

1- set of headphones (NO EARBUDS)

1- pkg. of baby wipes

2- pocket vinyl folder w/prong inserts

2- large boxes of Kleenex

1- sm. water bottle, pop-top

1- box quart-sized ziplock bags

1- pencil box (approx. 9x5), NOT oversized

1- box colored pencils

4- Expo Dry Erase Markers

1-8 color water paints

2- disinfectant cleaning wipes

1- clipboard (9x12)

1- highlighter

Second Grade

12- No. 2 pencils (sharpened Ticonderoga brand preferred)

2- large boxes of Kleenex

1- school box (approx 9x5), NOT oversized

2- boxes of 24 crayons (NO twist-ups)

1-backpack- NO wheels

1-scissors (Fiskars for Kids)

4- Expo Dry Erase Markers (No other markers)

2- erasers

2- wide lined spiral notebooks (No loose-leaf paper)

6- pocket folders- sturdy with design

1- highlighter

1- box of quart ziplock bags 

2- disinfectant cleaning wipes

10- glue sticks

1- bottle of Germ-X (BOYS ONLY)

1- clipboard (9x12)

1- set of Addition & Subtraction flashcards

1- pkg baby wipes (GIRLS ONLY)

1- set of headphones or earbuds

Third Grade

2- glue sticks

2- erasers

1- box of 12 colored pencils

4- different colored pocket folders (w/3 holes punched)

1- box of 24 Crayola crayons

2- different colored highlighters

1- wide-ruled spiral notebook

1- pointed scissors

8- dry erase markers (NO other markers)

1- plastic zip case or school box

2- large boxes of Kleenex

1- Multiplication & Division flashcards

3- container of Clorox wipes

1- box gallon ziplock bags (boys only)

1- quart sized bags (girls only)

12- No. 2 Ticonderoga yellow pencils

24- .7mm mechanical pencils

1- package of blue and black pens

1- pkg of college-ruled loose-leaf paper

1- 2" binder

1- package of binder dividers (6 tabs)

1- set of headphones (no earbuds or Bluetooth)

*NO pencil sharpeners or trapper keepers!

* Keep items supplied as needed, please.

Fourth Grade

12- No. 2 Ticonderoga yellow pencils

1- box of 24 crayons

1- Deodorant (Keep supplied, NO aerosol)

1- bottle hand sanitizer (10-12 oz bottle)

2- blue or black in erasable pens

1- large eraser

1- box of 12 colored pencils

1- Protractor

1- 4 pkg dry-erase markers (dark colors)

1- scissors

8- pocket folders (heavy w/design) w/3 hole punched

2- pkg loose-leaf paper

2- large boxes of Kleenex

1- box of snack-size ziploc bags (BOYS ONLY)

1- multiplication & division flashcards

1- box of quart-size ziploc bags (GIRLS ONLY)

1- box gallon size ziploc bags (all students)

1- ruler (1”, ½”. ¼” ⅛”, and centimeter markings)

2- small glue sticks

1- 3 subject SPIRAL notebook (college ruled)

3- containers of Clorox Wipes

1- trapper keeper (large enough to hold folders inside)

1- soprano recorder

1-1 subject spiral notebook

1- 1 ½”- 3 ring binder

1- clipboard (9x12)

1- set of headphones/earbuds (keep stocked)

*The Soprano recorder is also available through the music department.

Fifth Grade

2- pkgs. of #2 pencils (Keep supplied)

1- backpack

2- pkgs. wide-lined loose-leaf notebook paper

3- large boxes of Kleenex

2- highlighters (Keep supplied)

2- sets of colored pencils

1- bottle hand sanitizer

4- small glue sticks (Keep supplied)

1- scissors

1- eraser

2- wide tip dry erase markers (pkg. of 4)

2- spiral notebooks (Wide lined)

2- containers of Clorox wipes

1- trapper keeper

1- plastic zip case for pencils, pens, glue sticks, etc.

1- box gallon ziplock bags (5B- McCally)

1- clipboard (9x12)

1- box quart ziplock bags (5A- Riemer)

1- ruler (in and cm)

2- 1 ½” 3 ring View Binder

1- pkg of colored grading pens (Keep supplied)

1- set of headphones

1- homework folder- Vinyl      

1- 24 box of crayons

1- deodorant (NO aerosol spray/ Keep Supplied)

  • All students need to have appropriate shoes for P.E.